Was rushing here and there right after school and came home reallly exhausted. I only remember switching the computer on and dilly-dallying for an hour before bathing. There's a reason for the dilly-dallying/procrastinating.
Think I was about to take out my scrunchie and decided to look into the mirror to see why people said it was "perpendicular" today. (my scrunchie's really fat so my hair was jutting out) Well ya, anyway I was facing sideways and strained my eyes to see what's BEHIND my head.
Bad, bad choice. I suddenly felt dizzy and everything I saw was covered in a film of...white LIGHT for at least 10 seconds. Idk if this is normal for you guys man, but the feeling dizzy part certainly ain't normal. NO la I don't think I'm on the verge of fainting, but did stumble abit so I decided to rest on the bed for awhile.
....and got a headache. Freak headaches okay, freak headaches. I don't care if I get a runny nose, freak headaches. They make you want to cut your brain open, seriously.
Hah, but I'm better after bathing, have a feeling that my lack of sleep and diet is the cause of it all.
1) I sleep less than 6 hours a day. (heard Terie's mom saying how kids who sleep less than 6.5 hours a day are very prone to getting HIGH blood pressue. freak O: )
2) I've lost my appetite AGAIN. Always feeling hungry but once I see the food, I don't wanna eat. (didn't eat lunch and dinner yesterday?! till like, 11 pm)
3) I've been eating junkfood/fastfood/outside food for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. these days.
not (Y), not (Y). And freak today too, my tuition teacher didn't let me off though I said I was supposed to be rushing off, she scolded me k -.- zzz. Think she wanted to extend the time but I obviously couldn't make it so....whatever.
But my family's cool cause we always throw things down from the window when somebody's in a rush hahaha. I did JUST that today, it landed on the floor with a VERY loud THUD, hope the neighbours don't complain HAHA. (WE ONLY THROW THINGS DOWN IN A RUSH. like books, keys, cds etc. NOT LITTERING)
"Hey Mr Hamdan, do you have a girlfriend...?"
"ohh, TOO MANY for me to count."
LOL. Mr hamdan was being very hilarious today. Seems like you won't be stress-free no matter what. Single = some problems , Married = problems, Kids = more problems.
He still gets scolded by his mom HAHAHA!! But getting married and having kids still = (Y) (Y) (Y)
Many people didn't come to school today, and many ain't going tomorrow either. The prom king/queen election was kinda interesting, casted votes for 6 guys and 6 girls ^_^ (NOT TELLING YA MY VOTES ;D)
Got back two days' worth of worksheets for my absence from school. There was this english speech I did which earned me 23, not too good and that doesn't matter here, the remark at the back does o_O
Wow, you know what, I really did this speech during maths lessons that day.
Cause I thought we HAD to hand it in by the end of the day, but I was the only one who finished writing it in the end -__-
The first things in my line of vision on monday. 原风不动。
Well, think all of you know I studied with ashley at BK till 9+ (and got a freaking runny nose).
..and went up to Terie's house till 1130 to study ^_^
+ classical music = ultimate!!!!
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